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Archives for PC Oldies

Review: Kick Off 3: European Challenge

Hi there everyone. Hope you’re doing okay. Today’s review is Kick Off 3: European Challenge from Anco. We’ve got a few video clips from the game too. And, as ever, a new football game review also means a change to the standings in the FFG Football League.

I hate you, Supreme Titans

The other night I sat down for bit of Might and Magic 6, which I started five years ago but have not yet completed. Which may seem a bit ridiculous. Certainly this is personal record for the longest amount of time spent on a single run through a game. The slow progress is due to […]

Review: NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

Hello. Hope you’re all doing well, or hanging in there, at least. Like many others, I recently watched and enjoyed The Last Dance on Netflix. I don’t know much about basketball, or US sports in general, but like all the best documentaries, I don’t think that’s necessary in order to enjoy it. Anyway, it of course stirred […]

Dusting off an old feature

Hi all. When we started this site (nearly 20 years ago) we envisaged writing second opinions for each other’s reviews. Not that I envisaged many major disagreements (“Rik speaks lies! Zone Raiders is a classic!”), just the chance to look at games from a slightly different angle, making observations that would not have occurred to […]

Review: Quarantine II: Road Warrior

Hi everyone. Hope you’re doing ok. I hope today’s review doesn’t seem in poor taste, considering the current situation: I can promise any link between the decision to cover it and the real-life global pandemic is purely coincidental. As any regular readers will know, we move far too slowly these days for anything to be topical, […]

Vault of Regret: The Big Cardboard Box

The Vault of Regret is a very large place, which houses dusty old game CDs and boxes, untouched digital libraries, and the metaphysical concepts of remorse and embarrassment. Here we write about all the games we should have played but haven’t, or that we have played but didn’t enjoy, among other things. Do you still […]

Review: Colin McRae Rally 3

Hello. Hope you’re all keeping well, under the circumstances. At times like these we might find ourselves trying to go to our respective happy places, trying to find ways to relax or escape, whenever possible, and games can certainly help with that. In my case, I think playing endless racing games from the 00s and […]

Moments in Gaming: Caution, Square Left

Moments in Gaming is where we look back on gaming experiences that have left a particularly strong impression on us over the years: mainly for good reasons, but sometimes for bad ones. At one point in the early 00s, the number of rally games being released seemed greatly at odds with the level of public […]

Vault of Regret: Jagged Alliance 2

The Vault of Regret is a very large place, which houses dusty old game CDs and boxes, untouched digital libraries, and the metaphysical concepts of remorse and embarrassment. Here we write about all the games we should have played but haven’t, or that we have played but didn’t enjoy, among other things. We live in […]

Zug-Zug! – a quick Warcraft summary

I’d say that Warcraft is one of the most important series of games on PC, up there with Ultima, Civilization, Wing Commander and Leisure Suit Larry (just kidding). It’s particularly noteworthy since it’s been active, in one form or another, since 1994. Warcraft started as an early realtime strategy, taking ideas from Dune 2 and […]