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Archives for PC Oldies

Vault of Regret: Aliens vs Predator

The Vault of Regret is a very large place, which houses dusty old game CDs and boxes, untouched digital libraries, and the metaphysical concepts of remorse and embarrassment. Here we write about all the games we should have played but haven’t, or that we have played but didn’t enjoy, among other things. Over at Just […]

Review: Jazz Jackrabbit

Hi there. We’re going back to 1994 for some DOS-based platforming action today in our review of Jazz Jackrabbit.

Vault of Regret: Half-Life 2

This is a strange one. Half-Life was – still is – one of my favourite games of all time: I remember completing it, in league with my long-time friend and colleague, over a glorious couple of weeks in the summer of 1999, with A-Levels completed and a new Pentium III-450 installed as the family PC. […]

Soundtracks: Homeworld

Rik has graciously allowed me to contribute to his new soundtracks series, so today we’re looking at Homeworld, the epic space-based RTS where fleets of starships clash in three-dimensional battles. I’m possibly stretching the premise of these articles a little, as there’s only one licensed song in Homeworld, plus a new recording of a classical […]

Implanted memories and a four year lifespan

A bit late to this, as usual, but as it’s now November 2019, it seems like as good a time as any to mention that Blade Runner is now supported by ScummVM. Until recently, the game was technically playable on 64-bit Windows, and I personally found the jiggery-pokery here sufficient to get things up and running […]

Moments in Gaming: Thumbs Down

Warning: spoilers for Fallout New Vegas lie ahead… The Fallout series is set in various locations around the former USA, a couple of centuries after civilisation ended in a nuclear apocalypse. For New Vegas (the fourth in the series), we focus on the Mojave desert. At its heart lies Vegas itself, miraculously largely untouched by […]

Review: Olympic Soccer

Hello there! Football is a thing that some people like. Some other people, less so. Here’s a review of a game called Olympic Soccer.

Review: 4D Sports: Boxing

Hi there. It’s been quite a couple of months away from FFG, but I’m slowly getting back into the swing of writing. Today we have a proper oldie for you: it’s 4D Sports: Boxing.

Vault of Regret: Klik & Play

I occasionally see complaints from those involved in game development expressing irritation that those playing or reviewing their games make sweeping statements about poor design or bad coding without having the first clue about either. Even though we’re in a quiet and extremely uninfluential backwater here, I daresay we’re guilty of making such statements on […]

Review: Grand Theft Auto IIII

Hello and welcome. Some years have passed since we last covered Grand Theft Auto on this site. Today we have a write-up of the third instalment in the series – hope you like it.