Hi all. As mentioned a while back, we’ve been tinkering with the layout of some of the pages here. I don’t want to raise anyone’s expectations too high – yep, you’re still looking at a rather basic wordpress layout. However we hope that your experience reading this site will be improved just a little.

First up screenshots in revews have been enlarged. You can still click for an even bigger version but now you have a better idea what the game looks like without having to break out of the review.

Also the review menus now contain a brief description of the game along with a screenshot. I was a bit worried that, if people were just presented with a list of titles, some of the more obscure items might be overlooked.

There have been a few other bits of tidying up but those are the most important items. If anyone has comments or suggestions go ahead and let me know. I mean, given the pace I work at, it’ll take me three years to implement any new ideas, but I promise to at least think about it and say “hmmm maybe”.