Hi everyone. Roleplaying games were once supposed to be my area of expertise at this site. I’d like to think that, while I was never exactly prolific, I covered a decent range within the genre, from first-person shooter hybrids to proper old-school beardy examples. However, it’s been a long time since I contributed a review to that section. There are a few reasons for my absence, one of which being simply how time consuming they can be. Let’s… not discuss how long ago I started Might and Magic 6.

Meanwhile Rik has been broadening his horizons, doing some great work reviewing Oblivion and the entire Mass Effect series. Thus I passed him the special hat marked “official RPG guy” (it confers a +2 bonus to wisdom and agility).

However, I thought it was time I made a renewed effort. I don’t get the hat back until I finish MM6 but for now here’s the action-RPG, Dungeon Siege 2.