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Archives for October, 2007

Megaman 37 – now some of this may look familiar…

So here’s a question – I’m keeping it hypothetical for now. Game A is released, and it’s awesome, gaining both critical and popular acclaim. The publishers see dollar signs, and demand a sequel as soon as possible. With no time to develop an entirely new title, Game B is thus virtually the same except for […]

Gordon Freeman, is it really you?

So I’ve finally played Half-Life 2. And it’s awesome! The trick is, Valve sat down and and thought up a whole bunch of set-piece scenarios to put you in. So it’s not just running from one room to the next shooting people, and you never feel like you’re doing exactly the same thing twice. The […]

Review: Maniac Mansion, Wolfenstein 3D, Viva Football

Howdy. Is it October already? It’s getting cold, the nights are drawing in…all the more reason to not bother going outside and enjoy some classic gaming in the warm comfort of your home. You could tidy the place up a bit though – how about recycling some of those empty Dr Pepper cans instead of […]