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Archives for May, 2019

The FFG Football League

Some dull site trivia for you: the early incarnations of FFG didn’t have a dedicated sport section. Although we’d resolved to make sure we found space for a review of Puma World Football, it was buried rather incongruously among either the action or simulation titles. This was down to me more than anything else, and […]

a Pi baked ready for you

There’s a lot of interest right now in mini retro consoles. Pre-loaded with classic games, these handy devices sate our appetite for nostalgia with zero technical skills or configuration required. The latest one I’ve stumbled across, repeatedly appearing in my Facebook feed (thanks to some arcane algorithm) is the Pixel Gamer, which boasts over “9000 […]

Review: Grand Theft Auto IIII

Hello and welcome. Some years have passed since we last covered Grand Theft Auto on this site. Today we have a write-up of the third instalment in the series – hope you like it.