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Archives for March, 2019

Blizzard rejuvenate their orcs and demons

A few pieces of belated Blizzard-related news came to my attention recently. Let’s start with the item that everyone else has known for months: they are working on a new, comprehensively updated release of Warcraft 3. This has me quite excited, ready to lead armies of orcs and trolls once again. WC3 features some excellent […]

Review: I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream

Hi there. For today’s review we have a dark point and click adventure with some literary roots: I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream.

Vault of Regret: Retro Collections

Over Christmas I decided to take a punt on the PlayStation Classic. This isn’t a review of that, for reasons that will quickly become obvious. Here’s what I did when it arrived: I unboxed it and plugged it in, played each of the games I vaguely remembered for about 10-15 minutes each (confirming along the […]

Review: Need for Speed: The Run

Hi there. Sorry for the radio silence over the last few weeks: I’ve had a few pieces lying around in a nearly-finished state for a while, but other things have been getting in the way. So, what’s more boring than someone making excuses for not updating their website? How about 2500 words or so on […]